Analyses & Studies

[COVID-19] Business Update by the Economic Affairs Department (in French)

Since the 24th of February , the Beijing Regional Economic Service has been giving regular updates for enterprises and the French business community on the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 virus, as well as its impact on economic activity and the transport sector in China.

These updates are published once a week on Wednesdays and began on the week of June 8.

Further analysis - including sectoral analyses - are also available in the brief weekly Beijing SER published on Fridays. Any readers that are interested can subscribe by simple email request.



Le Service économique régional de Pékin réalise depuis le 24 février des points réguliers à destination des entreprises et de la communauté d’affaires française sur la crise sanitaire liée au virus Covid-19, ainsi que sur l’impact de cette dernière sur l’activité économique et le secteur des transports en Chine.

Depuis la semaine du 8 juin, ces points sont publiés une fois par semaine, le mercredi.

Des analyses plus approfondies - et notamment sectorielles - sont par ailleurs disponibles dans les brèves hebdomadaires du SER de Pékin publiées le vendredi. Tout lecteur intéressé peut s’y abonner par simple demande mail.



The Economic Service is the correspondent in China of the General Directorate of the Treasury of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and of the various technical ministries involved in the economic sphere (including Agriculture, Transport, Sustainable Development).

Its mission is to monitor the macro-economic and sectoral developments of the Chinese economy, to analyze government-led public policies, the role of key public figures, as well as Chinese positions on major international economic issues and in all international endeavors following the theme of economics.

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