Intellectual Property Working Group

Intellectual property (IP) includes trademark, patent, industrial design, copyright, trade secret or know how, etc.. As an important asset as well as tool for competition, IP affects interests of all enterprises whether they make or sell products or supply services, whether they operate with contracts, investments, franchising or technology transfer. They need both protect their own intellectual property and avoid infringing others’ IP.
The IP working group of CCI FRANCE CHINE, animated by IP counselors, attorneys, in-house lawyers, is a forum to inform and advise French as well as European enterprises about the IP strategy, measures and action in the context of Sino-French and Sino-European business development. Invited speakers from Tencent, JD, Xiaomi, 360, COFCO, 3M, L’Oreal, Adidas, IP House, Trademark Office, Chang’An Notary Office, etc. have shared their experience in this forum.
- To keep CCI FRANCE CHINE members updated on Chinese intellectual property evolution,
- To share experience on intellectual property management and protection among French and Chinese enterprises,
- To discuss intellectual property related problems
- Vincent REMY - LLR Intellectual Property Firm (China)
- Galaad DELVAL - L'Oréal