French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China

[CCI FRANCE CHINE together with Business France and the French Embassy promoting Sino-French relation and cooperation during the French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China].

On the occasion of the French President's visit to China, CCI FRANCE CHINE was involved in several events to promote cooperation and exchange between France and China.

Many activities happened during this presidential visit, among which:

Roundtable discussions on "The Chinese market: business environment and sectoral focus" in collaboration with Business France and the French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCE) with the SMEs of Business France’s delegation.

Conference on “Foreign investment and sectoral ecosystem in China” organized by the Regional Economic Service (SER) of the Embassy of France in China in Beijing, with the SMEs of the presidential’s delegation.

Reception given by the President of the Republic in honor of the French community. During his speech, President Macron mentioned CCI FRANCE CHINE as one of the key representatives of the “Team France” community in China. The French President praised the commitment of Team France and CCI FRANCE CHINE during the last three years:

Find the whole speech below:

Exchange session with Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, with representatives of the business delegation.

Exchange session with Laurent Saint-Martin, General Manager of Business France.

Networking event on the sideline of the presidential visit, in cooperation with Business France, with Business France's delegation representatives.

President gave a speech in front of Chinese students learning French at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.

This presidential visit was a proof of the excellent Sino-French relations. We can only hope that this will further deepen relations between our two countries.
