Training Workshop: Gamification of Learning and Organization Practices
Members 会员价 500 RMB*
Non-members 非会员价 700 RMB*
*All taxes included. Fees includes lectures, course materials and coffee break.
Event ended.
The world we live in has rapidly developed into a personalized and customized environment for any products and services. This phenomenon also has an inmpact on organizational training and development. More and more companies are finding that standardized Training Programs are not meeting the changing demands of organizations. At the same time, the traditional learning model can not satisfuy the taste buds of the new generation (after 95).
With the productization of learning content, the mobilization of learning tools, and the acquisition of knowledge are becoming more diverse. When the hunting of “new knowledge” is no longer the primary purpose of training, effective implementation methods and behavioral transformation become the key focus of the organization. An interesting training course that is closely integrated with business needs and organizational pain becomes the core of the enterprise. Appeal. Gamification of learning has become an innovative solution to achieve this goal, and has achieved outstanding results in practice.
随着学习内容的产品化,学习工具的移动化,知识的瞬间获得方式越来越多元。当“新知识”的摄取不再是培训的最主要的目的,有效的实施方法及行为转变成为组织的关注重点, 一种有趣的, 并且与业务和组织痛点紧密结合的培训课程成为企业的核心诉求。游戏化学习成为达成这一目标的创新性解决方案, 并在实践中取得了卓硕的成果。
This sharing will start with the basic concepts and framework of gamification of learning, and share the applications and practices in the organizational learning process. At the same time, you will have opportunity to experience workshop with the Lego® Serious Play® method.
本次沙龙活动将从游戏化学习的基本概念与框架入手,直至分享游戏化学习在组织学习过程中的应用与实践。 同时,您将参与到源自北欧乐高®认真玩®的体验工作坊。
Gamification in learning Glance 游戏化学习概述 :
- Play & Serious Play / “玩”与“认真玩”;
- Future of Gamification / 游戏化学习的展望;
- Does Gamification really have impact on learining ? / 游戏化的学习真的有效么?
Core of Gamimfication 游戏化的核心:
- Conflict / 冲突机制;
- Competition / 竞争机制;
- Group intellegence / 集体智慧机制;
Lego® Serious Play® method Experiecne Session and Industry Practice Testimonio 乐高®认真玩®方法的体验工作坊及行业实践:
- Two hands thinking ability training / 双手思考能力训练;
- Create a Collaborative and win-win Team / 创造协作与共赢团队;
- Industry Practice Testimonio / 行业实践案例;
Date 日期: Friday, 15th November, 2019
Time 时间: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue 地点: CCI FRANCE CHINE Beijing Office 中国法国工商会北京办公室
Language 培训语言: Chinese
Price 价格:
Members 500 RMB*
Non-members 700 RMB*
*All taxes included. Fees includes lectures, course materials and coffee break.
2019_Training_Registration_Form.docx (DOCX • 63 KB)Speaker(s)

Event Location

Training Workshop: Gamification of Learning and Organization Practices
Event ended.