Training: Leadership Transition - From individual contributor to first-time manager

AmCham Shanghai Conference Center (Xintiandi), 27F, Infinitus Tower No.168 Hubin Road, Huangpu District 新天地湖滨路168号无限极大厦27楼 Shanghai, China
See on map

Event language(s)

Price: Member Early Bird: 2 650 RMB
Member: 3 650 RMB
Early Bird tickets will stop selling on October 9th at 11:55 PM

Non-Member: 4 650 RMB


Event ended.


Leadership Transition presents major challenges for many organizations and their employees. In order to achieve sustainable business growth, organizations need to manage their "leadership pipeline" effectively, making sure that there is solid "bench strength" in the foreseeable future. This course is designed as a development program for those who are transitioning through the leadership pipeline - from individual contributor to senior management.


  1. Transit effectively from individual contributor to first-time managers
  2. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a manager
  3. Lead and manage a team in line with our corporate values and competencies
  4. Translate the company's strategy into one's own/team goals


目前企业面临的重大挑战之一就是组织领导力的发展跟不上业务的拓展。在经济高速发展的中国,这个问题就更为突出。业务的拓展急需更多的人走向领导岗位,带兵打仗。面对组织能力的薄弱,就出现了"拔苗助长"和"赶鸭子上架"的现象。从领导力管道模型可以看出,领导力发展是一个"自下人上"的过程,从"个人贡献者"一路成长为"企业领袖。影响领导者在转变期成败的关键:领导力的双重转型,即:1)胜任力转型 2)心智模式转型。该课程的主要目的是帮助企业有效地搭建"领导力转型结构",通过"领导力管道"模型梳理各个层级的领导力转型,确保管理者在该领导层级拥有正确的胜任力和心智模式。


  1. 有效完成首次转型:个人贡献者到一线经理
  2. 了解经理人的角色与责任转换的过程
  3. 用相应的胜任力去带领团队,在企业价值观的指导下达成战略目标
  4. 将公司战略转换为职能战略,并分解为团队目标



  1. Managing transition
  2. Building leadership competencies (Learning in Practice & Exercise)
  3. Analyzing key elements for transition failure
  4. Increasing self-awareness using personality profiling instruments (Learning in Practice & Exercise)
  5. Learning to manage "mindset transition"
  6. Driving a high-performance team
  7. Leveraging team roles
  8. Managing talent and performance
  1. 有效地管理每一次转型
  2. 通过练习打造相应的领导胜任力
  3. 通过案例来分析转型失败的主要原因
  4. 通过练习提高在转型过程中的自省力
  5. 通过实例讲解"心智模式"转型
  6. 建立高绩效团队
  7. 维护多维度关系
  8. 识别与开发高潜力人才



It will benefit First-time managers and those individuals with potential to take people management responsibilities, i.e. transitioning from Individual Contributor to First Time Manager.





08:45 Registration & Networking
09:00 Morning Session
10:30 Morning Session Coffee Break
10:45 Morning Session
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Afternoon Session
15:30 Afternoon Session Coffee Break
15:45 Afternoon Session
17:00 Session Ends

Refreshments will be served during the coffee break for the attendees. Lunch at a nearby restaurant is also included with the ticket price.



Charles (Yimin) Shen

Areas of Expertise:
- Certified trainer in leadership training for GMs & Senior Management team;
- Experienced sales skills trainer and L&D Head in Luxury Retails in Fashion, Watch and Jewellery;
- Leading 34 trainers to support 3500 employees over 76 stores in China;
- Overseeing regional L&D functions in Luxury Hotel industry;
- Leading task forces team for more than 6 pre-opening hotels;
- Experiences in building Training Academy/Blended Leaming system;
- Advocate in innovations, new technologies, multimedia and gadgets.


Please contact sh-training(@) to complete your registration

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