[Online Training] The efficient use of Excel in the enterprise | Excel在企业中的高效应用
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
课程目标 Course Objectives
掌握Excel使用技巧,改善工作方式,提高工作效率 | Let the trainees master excel skills, and improve the way of working and increase work efficiency
设计令人赏心悦目的专业数据报表,通过三个以上的函数嵌套解决复杂工作问题 | Help trainees design pleasing professional data reports and solve complex work problems through nesting of more than three functions
创建“会说话”的专业图表,通过数据透视表随便所欲生成各种报表 | Create vivid and talkative professional charts and generate any kind of reports you want from pivot tables
课程大纲 Course Outline
I. 表格根基:高级操作技巧 | Form foundations: Advanced manipulation skills
- 分列与快速填充 | Columnar and Flash Fill
- 条件格式 | Conditional Formatting
- 标记和删除重复值 | Mark and remove duplicate values
- 数据一级和二级验证 | Data primary and secondary validation
- 单元格、工作簿和工作簿保护 | Cell, Workbook and Workbook protection
- 排序和高级筛选 | Sorting and Advanced filtering
II. 表格灵魂:常用函数解析(上) | Form Soul: Analysis of Common Functions (Part 1)
- 公式与基础函数 | Formulas and Basic functions
- 统计求和家族: Sum / Sumif / Sumifs / Count / Countif / Countifs | Statistical Sum family: Sum / Sumif / Sumifs / Count / Countif / Countifs
III. 表格灵魂:常用函数解析(下) | Form Soul: Analysis of Common Functions (Part 2)
- 逻辑查找帮你解难题: If / Vlookup / Match / Index /Indirect etc.|Logical search to help you solve puzzles: If / Vlookup / Match / Index /Indirect etc.
IV. 表格利器:透视规划分析 | Table tool: Perspective planning analysis
- 单表和多表创建透视表 | Create pivot tables with single and multiple tables
- 自动分组和手动分组 | Automatic grouping and manual grouping
- 切片器联动 | Slicer linkage
- 值汇总方式 | Value aggregation method
- 动态数据透视表 | Dynamic pivot table
V. 表格印象:图表演示之道 | Impressions of Tables: The Way of Graph Presentation
- 各种图表简介 | Introduction to various charts
- 图表类型选择建议 | Chart type selection suggestion
- 制作美观专业的图表 | Create beautiful and professional charts
- 创意折线图、柱形图和比例图 | Creative line, column and ratio charts
VI. 总结提高:学以致用,整体答疑 | Summary: Q&A
Trainer 讲师

Grace YAN 晏艳
Microsoft Office International Certified Master
Trainer working experience for the top 10 foreign companies
Working experience of the world's top 500 companies
Training experience of the world's top 500 companies
Bilingual lecturer
More than 10000 in-house trainees
Registration 课程报名
Please scan the below QR code or send email to sc-hr(@)ccifc.org
The connecting processes will be sent by email after registration | 报名成功后会发送网课登录信息到邮箱。

[Online Training] The efficient use of Excel in the enterprise | Excel在企业中的高效应用
Event ended.