[Online Training] How to Respond to Crisis: Learn from Successful Cases|学习危机回应:解读那些成功的危机回复案例
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
Introduction 课程背景
It is more common for companies involving in a public opinion crisis. A response to the public is necessary. Some companies accept media interviews, some send lawyer letters to media, and some post statements on their official websites and official accounts.
However, there are very few successful cases that can calm the public opinion with a single response. More often, the response got no attention at all, or even worse, the response triggers a new round of public discussion in a negative way. In this case, some companies are rather like to keep silent, which means giving up the chance of explanation.
In this lesson, we select and analyze the successful public opinion response of some crisis. By doing so, we will learn how to respond to public opinion.
Course Outline 课程大纲
Session I: Theories related to public opinion
- 舆情常见分类
- 危机怎么个结局才算赢?
- 舆情发展六步分级法
- 第一波舆情是纸,第二波舆情才是钱
Session II: What do people want to hear when public opinion occurs?
- 目标受众们都有谁
- “人们只接受自己期待的内容”——目标受众们各有各的想法
- “我要的是一个态度。”
- “我就是要个说法嘛。”
- “永远站在弱者一边!”
- “你就没有责任吗?”
Session III: Responding to public opinion
- 为什么必须回应?
- 哪种回应会引发更大舆情?
- “消费者如女友”原理
- 沟通基本功:要解决问题,不要制造问题
- 沟通基本功:姿态好看很重要,有人支持就算赢
- 沟通基本功:不要带着情绪说话
- 沟通基本功:解释清楚和推卸责任
- 沟通基本功:误解无处不在,让别人懂你
- “消费者如女友”原理
- 正确回应的信息三要素
- 正确回应必须具备的美德
- 正确回应三原则
- 常见危机回应口诀
Session IV: Case Study on Public Opinion Response - Learning Interpretation Skills from Popular Science in Public Administration
- 案例一:新版红绿灯事件
- 案例二:关于“取消英语课”质疑的回复
Session V: Case Study on Public Opinion Response - Right and timely apology
- 案例一:“西湖柳树换月季”事件
- 案例二:罗永浩深谙道歉艺术
- 案例三:某跨国企业的道歉史
- 案例四:其他几位外企道歉大户
Session VI: Case Study on Public Opinion Response - How can common industry knowledge be explained when it is misunderstood?
- 案例一:东方甄选玉米事件中的罗生门
- 案例二:“科技与狠活”:食品行业齐上阵
- 案例三:白象方便面三步应对“包装袋内的活蚂蚁”
- 案例四:星巴克如何成功解释“致癌”传言
Session VII: Case Study on Public Opinion Response - Show your evidence
- 案例一:无印良品教科书级的声明
- 案例二:某猫粮企业不成功的举证
Session Case Study on Public Opinion Response - Good PR is all about winning popular will
- 案例一:鄂尔多斯的一则政府通知为什么刷屏朋友圈?
- 案例二:食品安全事件中的跨国超市
- 案例三:关于“寒冬”,两个企业的不同表达
讲师 Trainer

Ulan Tuya 乌兰图雅
Ulan Tuya has over 17 years of working experience in International PR agencies. She helps multinational enterprises to enter the China market, building their brand and making them known to the Chinese public. These enterprises include Emerson Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Caterpillar Inc. as well as Sony, NBA etc. She’s also been working with Alibaba, Bank of Beijing, Minsheng Wealth and other local enterprises to grow by empowering them with the brand awareness and cutting-edge digital marketing techniques, so that they can occupy the market quickly. She is the career mentor of National School of Development, Peking University and is the guest lecturer of School of Management, Tsinghua University and Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
Registration 课程报名
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[Online Training] How to Respond to Crisis: Learn from Successful Cases|学习危机回应:解读那些成功的危机回复案例
Event ended.