Online Training: From Data Modeling to Visual Presentation: Application Tips of Power BI
Event language(s)
1200 RMB/person for CCI FRANCE CHINE Members
1400 RMB/person for Non-Members
Event ended.
从数据建模到可视化展示:Power BI的综合应用
Background 课程说明
You will master how to use power Bi to obtain and sort out data, model data, understand and master common DAX functions, and select charts suitable for data for visual display through theoretical explanation and practical operation.
本课程旨在改善工作方式及提高工作效率,通过理论讲解加实际操作的授课教学方法,综合运用Power BI进行数据获取和整理,数据建模,以及了解并掌握常用DAX函数,并选择适合数据的图表进行最终的可视化展示。
Who Should Attend 适用对象
This course will be useful to the employees who have more contact with data, such as marketing, administrate, human resources, financial accounting, logistics. The participants should have a certain foundation of Excel data analysis.
本培训课程适用于企事业单位市场销售、行政文秘、人力资源、财务会计、仓储物流等与数据接触较多的相关岗位工作人员。有一定的 Excel 数据分析基础,需要进一步提升数据处理、数据建模分析、数据可视化能力和使用效率的人员。
Software Version 软件版本
Both Chinese and English versions of Power Bi desktop will be workable. We will provide installation package and instructions.
本课程支持Power BI Desktop中文和英文版本。可提供安装包及说明。
Course Outline 课程大纲
1. Why we need Power BI? | 为什么要用Power BI?
2. Data acquisition and sorting | 数据获取与整理
3. Data modeling | 数据建模
4. DAX Function | 函数
5. Data visualization | 数据可视化
6. Q&A | 问答环节

Grace YAN 晏艳
Microsoft Office International Certified Master
Trainer working experience for the top 10 foreign companies
Working experience of the world's top 500 companies
Training experience of the world's top 500 companies
Bilingual lecturer
More than 10000 in-house trainees
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Online Training: From Data Modeling to Visual Presentation: Application Tips of Power BI
Event ended.