[Online Training] Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel | Excel培训:高效分析与可视化呈现
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
课程受益 Course Benefits
- 掌握职场高阶函数,处理更为复杂的数据统计与分析 | Master the higher-level functions to process more complex data statistics and analysis
- 掌握数据分析的相关工具,有效挖掘数据价值 | Master the relevant tools of data analysis and find the value of data effectively
- 掌握数据看板制作方法,数据分析结果更全面、系统及高效 | Master data table production methods, make data analysis results more comprehensive, systematic and efficient
- 掌握高阶商务图表类型的绘制,让数据传达形式更为新颖及多样化 | Master the drawing methods of high-level business chart types to make the forms of data transmission more novel and diversified
课程受众 Course Audience
Suitable for employees who want to improve their work efficiency and master data analysis methods.
课程纲要 Training Outline
1. Excel 数据验证 | Data verification
- 数据二级验证 | Secondary data verification
- 限制数据重复录入 | Limit repeated data entry
- 数据动态监控 | Data dynamic monitoring
- 数据表误差比对与突出显示 | Data sheet error comparison and highlighting
- 数据保护之单元格、工作表、工作薄和角色管理 | Role management of data protection: cell, worksheet and workbook
2. 表格灵魂:函数公式魅力 | Soul of Table: The Charming of Formulas
- 公式与基础函数 | Formula and basic function
- 统计求和家族 | Sum, SUMIF, Count, CountIF, CountIFS
- 逻辑查找帮你解难题 | Solve difficult problems - Logic search: Lookup, VLookup, Match
- 日期函数 | Data function: Datedif, networkdays
- 其他高阶实用函数:Sumproduct, Index, Offset函数
3. 表格利器:透视规划分析 | The Weapon of Table: PivotTable
- 初始数据透视表 | Initial PivotTable
- 同一字段不同汇总方式 | Different summary methods for the same syllable
- 透视表自动和手动组合| Automatic and manual combination of pivot table
- 环比和同比 | Month / Year comparison
- 动态数据透视表设置 | Dynamic PivotTable settings
4. 表格印象:图像表演之道 | The Impression of Table: Business charts
- 迷你图、双Y轴图、 复合饼图 | Mini chart, double Y-axis chart, pie chart
- 图表美化:柱形图、折线图、 饼图 | Chart beautification: column chart, line chart, pie chart
- 计划与实际对比图制作:温度计柱形图、柱形+堆积图 | Making contrast: thermometer column chart, column stack chart
5. 动态仪表板制作 | Dynamic Dashboard
- 数据和图表的关联 | Association of data and charts
- 图表与切片器的关联 | Correlation between chart and slicer
- 切片器联动与布局 | Slicer linkage and layout
- 切片器美化 | Slicer beautification
讲师 Trainer

Grace YAN 晏艳
曾任全球前 10 强外企内部培训讲师,知名世界 500 强外企从业经历(戴尔、雪佛龙和保乐力加),多家 500强企业微软 Office 和微软 Power BI 培训授课经验,长期为客户和学员解决 Office 和 Power BI 问题,线下受众学员 100,000 人以上。10 余年 Office 软件深度用户,多年 500 强外企工作经验,能准确挖掘企业培训需求,快速帮助学员提高 Office技能;课 程结构条例清晰,课程案例吻合工作需要;授课风格生动有趣,善于调动学员积极性,深受学员喜欢和好评。长期为多家客户设计制作工作、发布会等 PPT。
Grace,Microsoft Certified Trainer, is also the trainer of Microsoft’s golden partner. She is certified as Microsoft Certified Office Master, Microsoft Certified Excel / PPT/ Word(Full mark in Word part) and Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate. As a bilingual trainer, she was the internal trainer of G10 multinational enterprise. Grace has been worked in Dell, Chevron and Pernod-Ricard. Having rich experience in office training in global 500 companies, she has helped solving office problems for clients and trainees. Until now, more than 10,000 trainees are benefited from Grace’s training. Grace, with more than 10 years’ experience of Microsoft Office Word/Excel/PPT and Power BI, can meet corporate’s training requirements, and helps students’ office skills quickly. Her professional training is designed in good logic and is delivered in a humor style and being well acclaimed by trainees. She has permanent cooperation with companies for PPT designing and designed PPT for many companies for regular report or public press conference.
Registration 课程报名
Please scan the below QR code or send email to bj-training@ccifc.org
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[Online Training] Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel | Excel培训:高效分析与可视化呈现
Event ended.