[Online Training] Cross-Cultural Bridge Workshop|打开中外交流中的“黑匣子”


Event language(s)

Price: CCI FRANCE CHINE Members: 1800 RMB*
Non-Members: 2080 RMB*

*All taxes included


Event ended.

This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。

课程目标 Course Objective

  1. 明确什么是有效的跨文化交流,积极打造个人和团队的 IP(International Propriety):文化品牌
  2. 识别跨文化交流中的冲突的表象和根本原因
  3. 建构跨文化交流的核心场景并进行针对性训练
  4. 深化应用收获的反馈和辅导
  • Build M.V.P. (most valuable players) in cross-cultural communication focusing on cross-cultural issues;
  • Increase awareness of own, personal cultural blocks;
  • Understand cultural dimensions;
  • Understand the critical cultural conflict areas of West vs East with case studies;
  • Learn how to effectively handle the tricky and delicate cultural issues;
  • Explore methods to deal with specific China cases vs. cross-cultural communication;
  • Learn how to effectively interact with people of other cultures;
  • Develop a personal plan for improving cross-cultural skills especially in presentations, reports, meetings, or roadshow scenarios.



课程大纲 Course Outline 

Part I

介绍和设定期望:什么是文化?Introductions and Setting Expectations: What is Culture?

案例研究 Experience Through Case Studies

Part II:

中西文化的主要差异 Major Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture

西方文化印象 Impressions of Western Culture

Part III

克服文化差异练习1 - 场景:电子邮件 

Overcoming Cultural Differences Exercises 1 - Scenario: Email Etiquette

克服文化差异练习2 - 场景:会议规则 

Overcoming Cultural Differences Exercises 2 - Scenario: Meeting Rules

Part IV

克服文化差异练习3 - 场景:演示习惯

Overcoming Cultural Differences Exercises 3 - Scenario: Presentation Rituals

克服文化差异练习4 - 场景:职业道德

Overcoming Cultural Differences Exercises 4 - Scenario: Work Ethics

克服文化差异练习5 - 场景:商业行为

Overcoming Cultural Differences Exercises 5 - Scenario: Business Conduct


Real Case Studies: Resolving Cross Cultural Conflicts



Further Discussion and Wrap up with Action Plan


讲师 Trainer








王琼 Qiong WANG


She has worked as the Master Instructor of Motorola University, with key areas on Effective Presentation, Effective Business English, Train the Trainer, and Fast Track Design courses. In Greater China area, she has successfully run programs for 60,000 people in more than 100 companies in the past 20 years. Her excellent facilitation skills and deep understanding of adult learning makes her classes highly participative and entertaining. She is able to well combine the professional theory with real case studies, and impart the most updated information with deep understanding of current situation. 


Registration 课程报名


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