[Online Training] Brand Marketing Basics: A guide to promotional writing 品牌营销基本功:宣传写作100分指南
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
Introduction 课程背景
Writing skills are one of the core competencies of marketing. Whether it is a press release for a corporate branding campaign, a product promotion article on WeChat, all marketing and branding efforts are inseparable from writing.However, many people receive little professional writing training in their daily work. This actually resulted many grammatical errors or poor writing manner, which may affect the professional image of the company.
This training aims to start with the basics and help people in the relevant departments to improve their writing skills and improve the writing problems they encounter in their daily work.
Who should attend? 课程受众
- Marketing department of the company | 企业的市场部
- New media operation team of the enterprise | 企业的新媒体运营团队
Course Outline 课程纲要
Section 1: The standard way to write a press release
- 哪些素材可以写成新闻稿?
- 新闻稿怎么发布?
- 规范的新闻稿有标准的结构
- 如何提炼好新闻稿的主题
- 新闻稿的标题写法(课堂练习)
- 领导引语不是装饰,是突出关键信息的方法
Section 2: Writing in-depth articles|第二节:深度稿的写法
- 深度稿的类型
- 深度稿的素材收集最重要
- 企业品牌常用架构:2W1H结构法
- 产品说明稿的一个好用结构:SCQA结构法
- 成功案例的一个好用结构:华尔街日报体
- 深度稿的传播形式和对应的呈现形式
Section 3: Tips to improve your writing skills|第三节:快速提高文采的技巧
- 善用小标题,结构清晰逻辑好
- 有人物讲故事,行文不枯燥
- 加场景加细节,选择细节有诀窍
- 起承转合有技巧,承上启下更流畅
- 善用诗文,不要滥用美文
Section 4: Professionalism up! Writing in a clear and concise style | 第四节:专业度提升!写出干净简洁的文风
- 语文老师的恳求:请正确使用标点符号!
- 短语是王道,少用逗号多用句号
- 每句话要有主语
- 不要重复信息,不要废话
- 养成好习惯:写完回头看
Section 5: How to quickly spread a press release to various communication channels | 第五节:如何快速把一篇新闻稿改发到各种传播渠道上
- 不同社交媒体有约定俗成的风格要素
- “一稿多用,改都不改”是偷懒行为
- 第一步:提炼关键信息
- 第二步:改成不同平台的内容呈现形式
- 第三步:加入平台风格要素
讲师 Trainer

Ulan Tuya 乌兰图雅
Ulan Tuya has over 17 years of working experience in International PR agencies. She helps multinational enterprises to enter the China market, building their brand and making them known to the Chinese public. These enterprises include Emerson Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Caterpillar Inc. as well as Sony, NBA etc. She’s also been working with Alibaba, Bank of Beijing, Minsheng Wealth and other local enterprises to grow by empowering them with the brand awareness and cutting-edge digital marketing techniques, so that they can occupy the market quickly. She is the career mentor of National School of Development, Peking University and is the guest lecturer of School of Management, Tsinghua University and Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
Registration 课程报名
Please scan the below QR code or send email to sc-hr(@)ccifc.org
The connecting processes will be sent by email after registration | 报名成功后会发送网课登录信息到邮箱。

[Online Training] Brand Marketing Basics: A guide to promotional writing 品牌营销基本功:宣传写作100分指南
Event ended.