[Online Event] Interpretation of parental and nursing leaves in Guangdong Province and new regulations of labor law | 广东省育儿假护理假政策解读及劳动法新动向盘点
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Introduction and Outline 活动内容简介
On December 1st 2021, the 13th Guangdong Provincial People's Congress voted to amend the "Guangdong Provincial Regulations on Population and Family Planning", which added 10 days of parental leave for parents with children under the age of three and clarified the only child nursing leave.
CCI FRANCE CHINE is very pleased to invite Mrs. Jing GAO from DS Avocat, specialist in labor law, to present, online, about the relevant interpretation in Guangdong and new regulations of labor law.
- 广东省育儿假护理假政策解读 Interpretation of Parental and Nursing Leaves in Guangdong Province
- 政策背景介绍 Background introduction
- 政策解读(结合案例)Interpretation and case analysis
- 企业合规建议 Advice to the companies
- 劳动法领域新动向盘点 New trends in labor law
- 异地社会保险缴纳 Cross-city social insurance payment
- 延迟退休 Delayed retirement
16:00 - 16:40 |
Presentation by Mrs. Jing GAO from DS Avocat 法国德尚律师事务所北京代表处高婧女士分享 |
16:40 - 17:00 |
Q&A and free discussion 问答环节&自由讨论 |
GAO Jing 高婧

GAO Jing 高婧
Since joining DS Law Firm Beijing Office in 2011, she has accumulated a wealth of experience in labor law. Focusing on a pragmatic approach, she supports French companies in their employee management in China. Activities include the drafting of employment contracts and internal rules, the development of dismissal strategies and procedure, and negotiations with employees.
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[Online Event] Interpretation of parental and nursing leaves in Guangdong Province and new regulations of labor law | 广东省育儿假护理假政策解读及劳动法新动向盘点
Event ended.