[Online Event] Impact of the new law "Personal Information Protection Law" on HR management |《个人信息保护法》下企业人力资源管理的合规要点
Event language(s)
HR Working Group | 人力资源研讨会
Introduction 活动介绍
On November 1st 2021, the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) came into force, and this new law has put forward new requirements and challenges to the human resources management of companies. Companies are exposed to employees' personal information throughout their employee lifecycle, so how to improve the mode of handling employees' personal information and prevent risks in the management of personal information will become one of the top priorities in human resources management work.
2021年11月1日,《个人信息保护法》正式施行,此新法给企业的人力资源管理提出了新的要求和挑战。 企业用工的过程存在不同阶段都接触到其个人信息, 《个保法》中已经明确的法律义务和相应的法律责任应当引起企业的必要关注。 如何完善人力资源管理中的员工个人信息处理模式,防范在个人信息管理方面的合规风险,将成为人力资源管理工作中的重中之重。
In this HR working group, Mr. Yuan from Zhong Lun Law Firm Shenzhen Office will help you understand the provisions and important rules of the Personal Information Protection Law, as well as provide advice on how companies can deal with the compliance of this Law.
Before the working group, we invite you to fill in the question collection box at the end of the article with your questions about the new law so that Mr. Yuan can prepare more focused content in advance. In the discussion session, you may also share your own experience and exchange viewpoints with other HRs.
09:30 - 09:35 |
Presentation of HR Working group & HR Services 中国法国工商会人力资源工作组及HR服务介绍 - Laurence LIU |
09:35 - 09:45 |
Introduction by Eko DENG 主题引出 — Eko DENG |
09:45 - 10:30 |
主题演讲 — 中伦律师事务所袁培皓律师 1. HR工作面临的挑战及用人单位可能面临的风险与责任 2. 《个人信息保护法》适用范围与核心概念解析 3. 个人信息处理的规则与合规建议 |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Q&A and free discussion 问答环节&自由讨论 |
Patrick YUAN 袁律师
Patrick YUAN
Partner 合伙人
Zhong Lun Law Firm Shenzhen Office
Patrick is a partner of Zhonglun Law Firm and was a partner of Beijing Junzejun Law Firm. He is currently a member of several international arbitration committees and has a distinguished track record in international trade and investment, acquisitions and mergers, corporate compliance and dispute resolution, and has extensive experience in serving members of the CCI FRANCE CHINE.
Human Resources Manager of BUT Sourcing
Coordinator of CCI FRANCE CHINE HR working group
HR Manager of BUT Sourcing Limited, Eko is a full function HR with a demonstrated history of working in the foreign trade, supply Chain industry. Skilled in employee relationship, talent acquisition and local regulation / labor law.
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or contact sc-event(@)ccifr.org for more information.
[Online Event] Impact of the new law "Personal Information Protection Law" on HR management |《个人信息保护法》下企业人力资源管理的合规要点
Event ended.