Mindmapping - A visual thinking tool necessary to improve work efficiency
目标与内容 Objectives and Content
思维导图是全脑思考的图形化思维工具,简单又极其有效。不仅比尔·盖茨、李嘉诚、奥巴马等知名人物在使用,世界知名公司Google, 波音等也引入了思维导图,现在已在世界广泛应用。本课程从实用性的角度,掌握思维导图绘制的核心技巧,发展思维导图式思维, 应用在工作场景中,提升思考质量和沟通效率。
Mindmapping is a graphical thinking tool of whole brain thinking, simple and extremely effective. It helps you think deeply, speak clearly, and remember firmly. This tool has been largely adopted and applied around the world and not only do well-known leaders such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng and Obama use it, well-known and reputable companies including Google and Boeing have also introduced mind maps in their companies. This course will teach you the core skills of mind map drawing, and help you to develop mind map thinking, and apply it into work scenarios to improve the quality of thinking and communication efficiency.
1. 清晰全面制作工作计划/总结
2. 快速编写商业方案
3. 完美准备演讲/培训
4. 和老板/上级汇报时,更有说服力
5. 快速收集、处理大量信息
6. 增强记忆力
7. 激发创造力,深入思考
参加对象 Target Group
Anyone who is willing to improve quality of thinking and work efficiency.
大纲 Outline
1. 读懂各样的思维导图
2. 探讨思维导图的价值与应用
3. 思维导图的核心元素和结构
4. 思维导图与逻辑思维、创新思维的关系
Module 1: Value and application of mind mapping
1. Read mind maps in different types
2. The value and application of mind mapping
3. The core elements and structure of the mind map
4. The relationship between mind mapping and logical thinking, innovative thinking
1. 绘制思维导图的规则
2. 引导思维导图式思维—设定目标和分类技巧
3. 课堂练习:我的第一幅思维导图
Module 2: Core skills for drawing mind maps
1. Rules for drawing mind maps
2. Mind-map thinking- goal setting and classification
3. Class practice: my first mind map
1. 工作中的应用
2. 生活中的应用
Module 3: Use Mind Mapping in business
1. Application at work
Mind map templates in the workplace-Planning and reporting- thinking Fast and comprehensive
Presentation,easy to get key points and impressive ,
One book/training in one map-easy to review and remember
Project manage- -clear and well-organized
Team thinking- realize the creative thinking
2. Application in daily life
Life thinking and communicating with children
Q&A Session
Mindmapping - A visual thinking tool necessary to improve work efficiency
Event ended.