Impact of legal reform on business in China
Event language(s)
French / Chinese
Event ended.
On the occasion of the 6th "Franco-Chinese Meeting" of Law and Justice, CCI FRANCE CHINE and the Legal Department of the French Embassy in China with the support of Baker McKenzie FenXun are pleased to invite you to a conference about:
Impact of legal reform on business in China: state of play and guidelines for further legal cooperation
During this conference-debate following the 6th "Franco-Chinese Meeting" of Law and Justice at the French Embassy, we would like to favorise the exchanges between French and Chinese jurists about current reforms, their impacts on companies and opportunities for future changes.
Exceptionally this session will be hosted at: Baker McKenzie FenXun: Suite 3401, China World Office 2, China World Trade Centre, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing 100004 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸写字楼2座3401 |
Moderator: Anne QUENEDEY Registered lawyer at Paris Bar
17:00 Welcome of participants 17:15 Talking points 19:00 Cocktail
After synthetic presentations and a questions/answers session, discussions will continue around a cocktail.
Number of seats limited, registration is mandatory. |
Event Location
Impact of legal reform on business in China
Event ended.