Excel Training: Complete View on Data Analysis
Event language(s)
Nowadays, talking with data has become the trend of economic and social development. Data is persuasive in life and work, we use data to verify one's opinion, to give feedback on existing problem, to speculate on the past and predict the future. Data has became the most convincing evidence. The significance of data analysis is to draw a correct conclusion based on relevant data and scientific analysis methods.
How to analyse data 怎样解读数据
First of all, data analysis is a value to the enterprise, we should treat it seriously;
The next step is to master the principles and methods of interpreting data, such as form design, the method of sorting out, graphical presentation, the use of logics, etc;
Finally, we should apply all to work practice, to analyse our business data accurately and report more persuasively.
Competence and Skills Acquired 课程收益
The specialty of this cours is combining data analysis thinking and practical methods with the use of Excel tools, focusing on improving the quality of analysis reports. There are no difficult and complicated operations, the only focus is on thinking method and practical experience.
Course Outline 课程大纲
Topic 1: Understanding data analysis
- The power of data and data analysis
- 8 problems to avoid in data analysis report
- Process of data analysis
- 数据和数据分析的力量
o 我们在分析汇报中常犯的错误
o 数据分析的正确思路
- 分析汇报中应该绕过的八个大坑
o 图形误导
o 量率误导
o 均值误导
o 忽略误差
o 不可比性
o 归因错误
o 忽略基数
o 来源不清
- 数据分析的三大阶段九个过程
Topic 2: Organization is the key to improve effeciency
- 4 principles of form design
- 3 steps to obtain useful data
- 表单设计的四个原则让你拥有专业清单
o 分类原则
o 统一原则
o 长远原则
o 传承原则
- 去粗取精三步骤让分析功能不受阻
o 转换数据
o 清洗数据
o 提取数据
Topic 3: 4 ways to analysis
- Comparative analysis
- Cross analysis
- Statistical analysis
- Matrix analysis
- 判断好坏:对比分析法
o 横向对标的四种方法
o 纵向对标的四种方法
o 图表分析中常用的四种辅助线
- 理清关系:交叉分析法
o 用四步分析法进行数据的交叉分析
o 因素分解:避免找不到分析的起点
o 假设分析:根据数据特点提出假设论点
o 交叉分析:根据假设,用交叉分析工具给出结论
o 报表呈现:用DASHBOARD形式的报表呈现分析结果
- 指标为王:统计分析法
o 识别数据基本特征的指标
o 用频率和频数找数据的呈现规律
o 组距的科学定义
- 策略驱动:矩阵分析法
o 两种指标关联的矩阵分析
o 三种指标关联的矩阵分析
Agenda 课程安排:
Date: Friday, December 18th 2020
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: Online Training
The access information will be sent by e-mail after registration
Price: 1200 RMB for Members, 1500 RMB for Non Members
* To attend this training, please make sure your Excel version is higher than 2010.

Excel Training: Complete View on Data Analysis
Event ended.