EXCEL Data Perspective Analysis (in Chinese)

(Two Days)Online Training,

Event language(s)

Price: RMB 850 for CCI FRANCE CHINE Members
RMB 1050 for Non Members
All taxes included


Event ended.

This course is a specially designed to help you quickly master the comprehensive skills of perspective analysis.

In front of massive data:

How to extract key information quickly?

How to find the characteristics of data changes and problems in the sales process from data?

How to find out the problems in the process of production and operation?

How to present a perfect report to the boss and customers?


All of this need to make analytical reports and let PivotTable speaks for you. The power of PivotTable is to quickly summarize massive data, analyze and help you make business decisions.

Most excel users have a special focus on functions and formulas. But it’s difficult to use functions and formulas to solve some problems. Especially in summary analysis, how to group and summarize the data without repetition and leakage. But this kind of problem is what PivotTable is best at. People are always surprised by how powerful and fast PivotTable is when I teach them.









大多数 EXCEL 使用者对函数和公式有着异乎寻常的兴趣和毅力。但有些问题使用函数和公式是非常费力的。尤其是在汇总分析时,如何将数据不重不漏的分组和汇总。而这样的问题却是数据透视表最擅长的。在多年的工作中我发现当把透视表介绍给大家时,大家无不为透视表强大快速的分析功能所惊叹。


Objective & Content 目标与内容

PivotTables are powerful, but most users use only 20% of their work. It's not because of the 20% are the essence, but because we don't know what the good functions are. What’s more, when we use PivotTable, we cannot always reach the result we want. That is probably because we are not fully mastered the tool.

This course is a specially designed to help you quickly master the comprehensive skills of perspective analysis. It only takes you a day to learn, but it will help improve 10 times of your working efficiency.

透视表很强大,但是在工作中大多数使用者只使用 20%的功能。不是因为只有 20%的精华,而是因为还不知道透视表都有哪些好功能。另外,在透视表使用过程中也常常觉得不能按我们想要的呈现结果。不是因为工具本身有限制,而是因为没有全面掌握。

本课程是透视表学习的专题课,目的是帮你快速掌握透视分析的全面技巧。虽然这需要你花上 1 天的时间,但是你的获利是提高 10 倍的工作效率。


Agenda 课程安排

Date & Time: 16th-17th April, 2020, everyday from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Venue: Online Training (the connection information will be sent after registration)

Language: Chinese

Software: EXCEL 2010 or above version


日期&时间:2020年4月16-17日,每天下午2:00 – 5:00,共6小时

上课地点:线上授课 (上课前统一发送上课链接)


课程软件: EXCEL 2010及以上版本



Course Outline 课程大纲


Topic 1: Preparations and precautions

Topic 2: How to create, analyze and refresh PivotTable

Topic 3: Core statistical analysis function of PivotTable

Topic 4: Change the layout and format of PivotTable

Topic 5: Deep statistical analysis with PivotTable



  • 透视表与其他汇总功能的比较
  • 什么是符合规范的透视表数据源?
  • 数据清洗的四个方法
  • 数据萃取的两个方法
  • 数据转换的四个方法
  • 表单结构转换的方法


  • 用常规表单创建透视表
  • 如何让分析呈现更快速,分析器面板的使用之道
  • 创建可以增删改数据的透视表
  • 创建自动轮询的数据透视表
  • 用 PowerQuery 捕捉数据创建透视表
  • 用 VBA 扩展透视表的刷新功能



  • 在透视表上实现数据分析有三个核心功能
  • 切片器快速挑选需要的数据
  • 多张数据透视表的关联
  • 在数据透视表上灵活的排序三法
  • 对不同数据类型的数据进行分组汇总
  • 快速查看不同级别的数据


  • 重命名字段及隐藏字段标题
  • 改变透视表的报告格式
  • 数据透视表刷新后如何保持列宽
  • 自定义数字格式的妙用
  • 用条件格式监控数据的变化
  • 清除已删除数据的标题项


  • 计算同比、环比、定基比
  • 自定义计算字段,创建更有特点的数据
  • 复合范围创建数据透视表
  • 多张表单的数据汇总和对比
  • 解决透视表中唯一值计数问题
  • 用 SQL 语句实现多张复杂表单的汇总
  • 解决透视表并列汇总问题
  • 用 Query 查询分析器实现多张复杂表单的汇总
  • 了解专业 BI 分析工具 PowerPivot 的使用


Please scan the QR code to register, or send e-mail to sc-hr@ccifc.org

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