[EVENT] HR Working Group: Employment management for foreigners and corporate payroll management compliance | 外籍人士雇佣管理以及企业薪酬管理合规

CCI FRANCE CHINE Guangzhou Office 中国法国工商会广州办公室, 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号利通广场8楼802室
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Event language(s)
Chinois 中文

Price: CCI FRANCE CHINE Members: Free
Non-membres: 100 RMB


Event ended.

Introduction 活动介绍



Improving the business environment, opening-up to the outside world, encouraging scientific & technological innovation and supporting the private economy are the strong and powerful signals released by the China’s new government. Are companies ready for the new requirements of entry, exit and employment of expatriates? We'll share with you the issues related to the employment, operation management and taxation of expatriates.

With the Golden Tax System Phase IV and China social security system launching in Year 2023, companies will face more strict information disclosure requirements. Join us to learn how to navigate the challenges, and the best practices in HR & payroll management.


Agenda 活动流程

14:30-15:00 活动签到 Sign In

15:00-15:05 中国法国工商会活动开场 Opening Speech, CCI FRANCE CHINE

15:05-15:45 主题演讲——卓佳中国内地人力资源与薪酬服务副总监彭捷女士 Keynote Presentation by Ms. Susan Peng, Associate Director, HR and Payroll Services, Tricor Mainland China 

1. 外籍人士在华雇佣管理 Employment management for foreigners

  • 劳动合同签订 Signing of employment contract
  • 在华就业程序Employment compliance in China
  • 社保缴纳 Social security contribution
  • 劳动合同的解除与终止 Termination of employment 
  • 个人所得税常见税务处理及相关个税优惠政策Common tax treatments and preferential individual income tax policies 

2. 企业薪酬管理合规 Payroll compliance management 

  • 个人信息保护 Protection of employees’ personal information 
  • 社保全国统筹以及“大库”缴纳社保的风险 National coordinated social security system and the risk of contribution under agent’s account
  • 薪酬管理与个税申报合规 Compliance of payroll management and individual income tax reporting
  • 金税四期上线所带来的个税监管趋势 Trend of individual income tax supervision followed by the launch of the Golden Tax Phase IV

15:45-16:00 问答环节 Q&A

16:00-17:00 自由讨论 


Speaker 主讲嘉宾

Susan Peng 彭捷

Associate Director, HR and Payroll Services, Tricor China




Susan Peng has over 15 years of experience in the related fields of payroll outsourcing, individual income tax consulting, etc. She has been focusing on providing payroll and individual income tax services for multinational companies. Services including payroll calculation and payment, compensation arrangements, human resources and social security consulting, individual income tax planning and compliance, compliance consulting on equity incentive plan and its individual income tax, as well as consultation on tax and related compliance policies for foreigners' employment and employment permit applications in China. The industries that Susan served involve fund investment, banking, insurance, IT, law firm, television media, telecommunications, medical equipment, real estate, manufacturing, hotel management and luxury retail, etc.


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