Cross Cultural Communication 掌握跨文化背景下的沟通技巧
Event language(s)
This course will be conducted in Chinese.
Have you ever encountered the following situations in cross-cultural teamwork?
The communication time turns too longer, and the cross-cultural team has so many mixed opinions, which leads to too difficult to make consensus.
Decision-making time is delayed, team action slows down, and market opportunities are lost;
Team members feel confused of different thinking way, different behavior and different decision-making logic, and even can not understand each other’s stands;
Organizational structure and colleague relationship become more complicated, the perspective of thinking even has not been adjusted before the project’s progress had been blocked…
如何培养一位优秀的跨文化沟通者: How to foster a great Cross Culture Communicator
As a result of globalization, a leadership or communication style that is previously effective in a single culture may lose its effectiveness in multiple culture environment. Do intercultural communicators understand the reasons for the failure of the previously well-used methods? What are the costs of improper cross-cultural communication?
Appreciate 透视跨文化差异。跨文化沟通者是否能洞悉困境的背后其实存在着文化差异的障碍?文化因人而生,因人而异,跨文化团队成员间的差异会在很多维度上表现出来。例如:权力距离的大小、个人-集体主义、风险承受度、任务-人际导向、沟通风格……但在这些维度的背后是共通的人性本质。透视跨文化差异,就是帮助跨文化沟通者了解这些差异,并透过它们解读背后的人心。
Can intercultural communicators see the barriers of cultural differences behind the dilemma? Cultures vary from person to person, and differences among cross-cultural team members can be manifested in many dimensions. For example, the Power Distance, Individualism-Collectivism, Risk Tolerance, Task-Relationship Orientation, Context of Communication...but behind these dimensions lies a common human nature. The Cross-cultural Communication Course will help cross-cultural communicators understand these differences and facilitate people to understand each other better…
When cultural differences lead to multi-party opposition, how can we adjust our communication and interaction methods according to different cultures to foster more productive working relationships and environments? How to flexibly use tools and methods to identify cultural differences in the team and find solutions to eliminate the antagonism?
课程效益 Training Benefits
- 心态 Attitude:认识全球化对自身领导/沟通能力提出哪些新要求,识别差距,能够有意识地调整思考及行动方式,树立起跨文化沟通者的心胸和眼光。Recognize the new requirements of globalization on leadership/communication skills, identify gaps, consciously adjust the way of thinking and acting, and build up the mind and vision of a cross-cultural communicator.
- 技能 Skills:识别跨文化差异的五个典型维度:权力距离、个人主义-集体主义、风险承受度、任务-人际导向、沟通风格,根据不同差异维度调整自身领导风格;掌握跨文化对话三部曲。Identify five typical dimensions of intercultural differences: the Power Distance, Individualism-Collectivism, Risk Tolerance, Task-Relationship Orientation, Context of Communication, and can adjust his/her own leadership style according to different dimensions, grasp 3 key skills of intercultural communication.
- 应用 Application:能与来自不同国家和地区的员工建立信任、有效交流、建立影响,促进跨国团队达成共识,并基于不同文化背景创造新的团队竞争优势。Build trust, effectively communicate and influence with employees from different countries and regions, promote consensus among multinational teams, and create new competitive advantages based on different cultural backgrounds
课程纲要Training Outline
文化冲击与文化差异Cultural Shock & Culture Differences
- 文化冲击 Cultural Shock
- “背包”的影响 Impact of “Backbag”
- 文化及冰山理论 Culture Definition & Iceberg Theory
- 理解跨文化差异的5个维度 Five Dimensions of Culture Differences
跨文化差异维度Five Dimensions of Culture Differences
- 维度一:权力距离 Dimension 1: Power Distance (Hierarchy)
- 维度二:个人主义-集体主义 Dimension 2: Individualism & Collectivism
- 维度三:风险承受度 Dimension 3: Risk Tolerance
- 维度四:任务导向-人际导向 Dimension 4: Task-oriented & Relationship-oriented
- 维度五:沟通风格 Dimension 5: Context of Communication
跨文化沟通三部曲 Three Key Factors of Cross Cultural Communication
- 倾听,不同文化的倾听诉求 Active Listening
- 提问,如何提出开放式提问 Asking Questions
- 果敢,怎样做到果敢表达 Assertiveness
Online Training, the connection information will be sent after registration.

Jack Wu
Jack Wu, a sophisticated training professional with rich training management experiences and facilitating experiences, has focused on training field for almost 10 years, plus another 10 years in journalism and education industry. He served for Petro China (the biggest petroleum company in China and one of top 500 fortune companies), FESCO (the biggest HR service company in China), Canon China (the biggest camera producer in Japan and one of top 500 fortune companies), Schouten China (whose parent company Netherlands Schouten & Nelissen is a leading soft skills training company in Europe), and AMA (American Management Association, the world's largest platform for management education) successively. As a professional trainer, he focuses on Leadership, Influencing, Assertiveness and Communication.
His training process emphasizes both on Lecture & Practice. The common approaches he used in training include case study, discussion, role play, sharing, debriefing, etc. These methods may facilitate trainees to apply the concepts and skills they learned from training into their work and life with maximizing effectiveness.

Cross Cultural Communication 掌握跨文化背景下的沟通技巧
Event ended.