
12.12 | [Online Training] Insight into Data - Become an expert in data-driven operations | 洞悉数据——成为数据化运营专家

Online Training 线上课程,

Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。

Price: CCI FRANCE CHINE Members: 1080 RMB
Non-Members: 1280 RMB


Event ended.

课程背景 Course background


No matter what position you work in, in the use of software for data analysis has become the necessary skills, whether you are engaged in purchasing, sales, financial analysis, or business decisions, this set of course for data system analysis work encountered in various data application problems, extract data analysts most needed Excel and related software tools skills, can help you from a pile of clueless data for data screening, data analysis and make professional management chart, provides a professional accurate basis for your business decisions.


学员收益 Course Benefits

  • 数据分析与管理的多种方法与技巧
  • Multiple methods and techniques of data analysis and management
  • 数据分析函数的高级应用
  • Advanced applications of the data analysis functions
  • Power Query和Power Pivot的基本运用
  • The basic application of the Power Query And Power Pivot
  • 动态数据管理
  • Dynamic data management
  • 动态图表看板制作
  • Dynamic chart kanban making


课程大纲  Course Outline

I. 数据整理——小技巧解决大问题

  • 分列与快速填充
  • 快速突显数据特征
  • 保证录入数据正确性
  • 与函数结合应用案例

II.  Power Query——自动整理数据 

  • 快速自动汇总多个工作表和文件夹
  • 比Vlookup更厉害的合并查询
  • 比复制粘贴更快速的追加查询
  • 列转行的绝招——逆透视
  • 不用IF也能明辨是非
  • PQ实战案例

III. 函数进阶——函数没那么难 

  • 身份证号码综合函数运用
  • Sum和Count家族与通配符联姻
  • Vlookup、Xlookup、Index谁更胜一筹
  • 跨表查找必学函数
  • M365新函数:Filter、Lambda等
  • AI助力函数编辑

IV. 数据建模和分析——多表分析新思路

  • 什么是数据建模?
  • 常见数据模型
  • 自动创建日期维度表
  • 创建来自数据模型的数据透视表
  • 值汇总和显示方式
  • 同比、环比和定基比
  • 透视表自动分组和手动分组
  • 数据排序和自定义排序
  • 筛选TopN
  • Excel中最简单的GetPivotData函数
  • 切片器联动

 V. 动态看板制作

  • 常见图表误区
  • 专业图表五大特征
  • 图表专业色彩搭配
  • 一键更改字体和配色
  • 动态图表制作


Trainer 讲师

晏艳  YAN Yan

Microsoft Office International Certified Master
Trainer working experience for the top 10 foreign companies
Working experience of the world's top 500 companies
Training experience of the world's top 500 companies
Bilingual lecturer
More than 10000 in-house trainees


Registration 课程报名

Please scan the below QR code to compelete your registration | 请扫描下方二维码报名

The connecting processes will be sent by email after registration | 报名成功后会发送网课登录信息到邮箱。

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