1.15-16 | [Online Training] 政府事务培训 – 跨国企业向上汇报“故事会” Government Affairs Training – The Upward Reporting “Story-telling Session” of Multi-national Companies
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese 本次课程用中文授课。
Course Introduction
Under the rapidly changing global political and economic environment, the development of multinational enterprises in China presents both opportunities and challenges, requiring rapid internal decision-making and response. However, due to the multitude of high-level affairs, limited understanding of local policies status, and susceptibility to international media influence, there may be deviations in understanding, which greatly challenges the “upward reporting” capacity of government affairs departments. In this context, the CCI FRANCE CHINE specially invites Brent Yuan, Partner of Yuan Associates, to bring a new “upward reporting” themed government affairs training. This training will be conducted in the form of a “storytelling session” to share how to effectively conduct internal high-level communication and government affairs management.
全球政经环境快速变化下,跨国企业在华发展既有机遇,更有挑战,需要内部快速决策应对。但因高层事务繁多,对本地政策了解有限,且易受国际媒体影响,理解易有偏差,这极大考验政府事务部门的 “向上汇报”。
此背景下,商会特别邀请远海鹰咨询合伙人袁元为大家带来全新 “向上汇报” 主题政府事务培训,本次培训将以 “故事会” 的形式展开,分享如何有效进行内部高层沟通和政府事务管理。
采用 “故事会” 形式,通过近40个实际案例,覆盖不同行业和角度,分享高层汇报的策略与沟通技巧。
- 内部向上管理:精准介绍政府事务分析,引导企业高层决策。
- 议题分析研究:系统梳理复杂问题,提供高层关注点的精准分析。
- 沟通汇报技巧:清晰表达宏观环境与政策情况,提升沟通条理及效率。
一、 “以终为始”与文化差异
二、 宏观环境的整体分析与分解
- 介绍重点趋势
- 不同侧面的汇报支撑
- “漏斗型”研究分析
- 提供观察分析的角度,无关乎“失败”
- 数字引用
- 结构图
- 时间表
- 重点对比等
- 政府会见前
- 政府会见后
- 研讨会
- 危机管理
Trainer 讲师
袁元 Brent YUAN
合伙人兼高级总监 Partner and Senior Director
袁元先生主要负责为客户提供政府事务和公共关系服务,他拥有为跨国公司进行政府关系、企业公关、危机管理和媒体公关的丰富经验。 在加入远海鹰咨询之前,袁元先生拥有十年的公共关系和市场沟通领域工作经验。他曾是《中国工程机械》杂志的知名记者,采访过40余位国际企业巨头,之后供职于宝马、安利等跨国公司,担任公关主管。
Registration 培训报名
Please scan the QR code or click here for registration
1.15-16 | [Online Training] 政府事务培训 – 跨国企业向上汇报“故事会” Government Affairs Training – The Upward Reporting “Story-telling Session” of Multi-national Companies
Event ended.