10 Steps to Write Outstanding Article for Corporate WeChat Official Accounts

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Price: Price: Members 2300 RMB*
Non-members 2700 RMB*
Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch.

*Subject to 6.72% VAT tax and fees.


Event ended.


Copywriting is indispensable in brand building, marketing and advertising activities. It plays an important role in communications based on pictures and vides. There are several types of copywriting commonly used by enterprises: advertising language, soft text, press release, WeChat official account and speech by enterprise leaders.

In the digital era, people’s reading habits have evolved from fora and blogs to Weibo and WeChat official accounts. Under this context, it’s more likely for enterprises’ content to reach a wider range of target audience. More and more enterprises have achieved the goal of brand building or sales through high-quality copywriting. Copywriting has been a necessity for marketing teams in any industries.


More and more enterprises are regarding the development of WeChat account as an important way of brand building and communicating with the audience. However, how to write high-quality WeChat articles or attractive titles, how to better perform in typesetting, has become concrete and urgent tasks. 


This course will help learners to quickly improve the copywriting ability of Company’s WeChat official account through successful cases, practical skills and interactive onsite trainings. 



I. An Excellent Official Article Leads to 10 million Sales and the Peak of Career Life
1.1 Official Account is already an indispensable channel for enterprise marketing 
1.2 When taken seriously, the income of WeChat official accounts may exceed that of some listed company
1.3 One article saves one company 
1.4 Opportunities always exist even in 2019. Have a glace of those official accounts that stand out from the crowds.

1.1 公众号已经是企业营销不可不做的必备渠道
1.2 公众号当生意做,收入超过上市公司
1.3 一篇文章救活一个公司
1.4 2019年照样有机会,今年爆发增长的那些公众号

II. Do not Cross the Red Line when Operating WeChat Official Accounts
2.1 First priority is to stay out of trouble rather than 100000 + viewers
2.2 Genuine pictures and fonts
2.3 Taboos that should be avoided 
2.4 Common violating Cases of the Advertising Law

2.1 企业公号第一要点不是10万+,而是别惹事
2.2 正版图片和正版字体
2.3 不能碰触的禁忌词
2.4 《广告法》的常见违规案例

III. Unique Strategies of WeChat Copywriting for Enterprises 
3.1 Six categories of WeChat official accounts. 
3.2 Position and Strategy of internal WeChat official accounts of Enterprises. 
3.3 Transforming the internal magazine of enterprises to official accounts. 
3.4 Essential skills for editors of enterprises’ WeChat official accounts. 

3.1 微信公号的六个分类
3.2 企业内刊型公号的定位和策略
3.3 企业内刊从杂志变成公号
3.4 企业公号的运营小编的必读技巧

IV. Degree of Completion-10 Points of Perfect Copywriting 
4.1. Keep in mind: easy to read and follow through mobile phones 
4.2. The appearance of good articles 
4.3. Three major scoring points 
4.4. The huge cost of incorrect values 
4.5. A sense of humor can be practiced 
4.6. Two major demerit points

第四节: 完成度——100分文案的10个得分点
4.1 牢记:适屏性和易读性
4.2 一篇好文的卖相
4.3 三大得分点
4.4 三观不正确会损失多少钱?
4.5 幽默感可以练习
4.6 两大扣分点

V. Popular Copywriting depends on "planning" 
5.1 Good copywriting is well-planned. 
5.2 Efficient planning methods of copywriting 
5.3 Exploiting your WeChat official account: refining the audience. 
5.4 Refining the value of your products and services. 
5.5 Have a strategic perspective: standing at the height of the industry. 
5.6 You are an expert: every profession has its unique advantage 
5.7 Visual copywriting is the latest trend: pictures and short videos

5.1 好文案都是策划出来的
5.2 实测高效的文案策划法
5.3 挖掘你的公号金矿:提炼受众群
5.4 提炼你的产品和服务的价值
5.5 有战略有格局:站在行业的高度
5.6 你是专家:专业有专业的独特优势
5.7 视觉文案已经是最新趋势:图片和短视频

VI. 10 Tips for Writing a Title with 100000 Viewers 
6.1 A title determines whether an article can be opened 
6.2 A title conveys a message, not a gimmick 
6.3 “Title Party” is also divided into masters and rookies 
6.4 10 formulas for an excellent title 
6.5 10 minutes to become a member of “Title Party”

6.1 标题决定了一篇文能否被打开
6.2 标题传达信息,而不是噱头
6.3 标题党也分高手低手
6.4 送你10个标题公式
6.5 (现场训练)10分钟成为标题党

VII. Content Writing: 1000 words in two hours 
7.1 Overcome "writing phobia" 
7.2 The first priority of an article is to tell a complete story 
7.3 Guiding data: how many lines are written in a paragraph, how long is an article written? 
7.4 Architectural Writing: ABCDE Story Writing 
7.5 Modular Writing: a Framework of common content for enterprises 
7.6 List of self-checks after completion of copywriting

7.1 克服“写作恐惧症”
7.2 一篇文章的首要任务是讲完整一个故事
7.3 指导数据:一段写几行,一篇写多长
7.4 架构式写作:ABCDE故事写作法
7.5 模块化写作:企业常见内容的框架攻略
7.6 文案完成后的自我检查一览表

VIII. Launching activities is the best way to increase fans and inflows. 
8.1 Commonly used WeChat online activity skills 
8.2 Offline activity is a good way to attract fans 
8.3 "Attract attention" or "Event update" is important
8.4 6 skills to arouse readers' desire to participate 
8.5 3 ways to urge readers to TAKE ACTION 
8.6 Offering bonus is a must to attract fans

8.1 常用的微信线上活动技巧
8.2 线下活动是吸粉好策略
8.3 “呼吁关注”或者“活动报名”非常重要
8.4 6个技巧唤起读者的参与欲
8.5 3个方法催促读者TAKE ACTION
8.6 吸粉就要发够福利

IX. 10 Tricks to Make Copywriting Looks Professional. 
9.1 The typesetting of an enterprise WeChat account can also be good-looking. 
9.2 Move No.1: preset visual design 
9.3 Move No.2: unify color matching 
9.4 Move No.3: beautify subtitles 
9.5 Move No.4: break up the full text 
9.6 Move No.5: the more the impressive sentences, the better 
9.7 Move No.6: a picture + an impressive sentence = a good article 
9.8 Move No.7: some tips at the beginning 
9.9 Move No.8: tips for the end 
9.10 Move No.9: design good pictures in person 
9.11 Move No.10: unity of style

9.1 企业公号的排版也可以很美
9.2 第一招:预设好的视觉设计
9.3 第二招:统一配色
9.4 第三招:漂亮的小标题们
9.5 第四招:打散全文
9.6 第五招:金句多多益善
9.7 第六招:一张图+一句金句=一篇好文
9.8 第七招:开头的小心机
9.9 第八招:结尾的小窍门
9.10 第九招:亲自设计好看的图片
9.11 第十招:风格统一

X. Some Details When Interacting with Fans. 
10.1 How to design automatic responses after being followed by fans? 
10.2 How to reply to readers' message? 
10.3 How to require fans to follow?

10.1 关注后的自动回复怎么设计? 
10.2 读者留言怎么回复?
10.3 怎么要求粉丝关注? 



Ms. Ulan Tuya
General Manager of Ulan Consultancy
Vice President of Inner Mongolia Alumni Association, PKU 
Deputy Secretary General of Northwestern Alumni Association, NSD, PKU
Career Mentor of NSD,PKU
Founder of Film & Finance Club

She has been working and studying in public relations for the last 15 years, dedicating herself in marketing, brand building and other professional fields. Her clients ranges from Fortune 500 companies to domestic start-ups, and she’s been serving customers all over the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc

In recent years, Ulan Tuya has developed a series of public relations and marketing courses based on the local media environment and mass communication characteristics in China, helping companies who want to build their brands and expand the Chinese market to improve their public relations and brand literacy as well as practical capabilities.


Date: Tuesday, October 22th 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 
Venue: 2F, Building 81, No. 4 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Language: Chinese
Price: Members 2300 RMB*; Non-members 2700 RMB*
Fee includes lectures, course materials and lunch.
*Subject to 6.72% VAT tax and fees.


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