10 Essential Tools for Structured Problem Solving

Online Training,

Event language(s)

Price: 1500 RMB for Members
1750 RMB for Non-Members

*All taxes included prices


Event ended.

Objectives and Content:

Even companies with the most sophisticated production systems have to face unexpected problems. In many cases those problems cause production breakdowns or delays in projects. If the staff is not trained in problem solving, problems are fixed but not solved and the same problems will happen again.

The training will give you an overview of the most common tools of problem solving and a guideline to solve problems in a standardized way.

Target Group :

Foremen in production and logistics, production-, project- and quality manager, industrial supervisors

Outline :

1. Basics of Quality Management and Problem solving
2. Phases of the problem solving process
3. Introduction and exercises "10 problem solving tools":

§ Histogram
§ Pareto
§ Ishikawa
§ 5W
§ Brainstorming
§ Logic Tree
§ Utility Analysis
§ Portfolio
§ Work Instruction


Date: February 25th, 2021
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Language: English
Fees: 1500 RMB for Members | 1750 RMB for Non-Members
Venue: Onling training, the connection will be sent to you after registration


Please scan the QR code or send e-mail to bj-training(@)ccifc.org


Please scan the QR code or send e-mail to bj-training(@)ccifc.org​​​​​​​

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