08.10-08.11 | [Guangzhou Training] ESG Management Practices 企业ESG管理实践培训
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
课程目的 Objective
To comprehend how ESG is quantified, it can provide investors with more information as a basis for investment decisions, and can also cultivate investors' long-term investment and value investment concepts. With ESG management practices, enterprises could be managed to achieve sustainable business development, and help enterprises obtain long-term and stable returns.
了解ESG 是如何量化的指标,可以为投资者提供更多信息作为投资决策依据,也可以培养投资者长期投资、价值投资的理念。通过 ESG 科学的方法管理企业行为,从而让商业往可持续的方向发展,更好的制定未来的战略规划,更有助于企业获得长期稳定的收益回报。
课程大纲 outline
- Background and trends of sustainability reporting
- 可持续发展报告发展背景和趋势
- Introduction to ESG-related international conventions and standardsESG
- 相关国际公约和标准介绍
- Introduction to ESG regulatory and rating agencies
- ESG 监管和评级机构介绍
- How to select key topics for ESG reporting
- 如何进行 ESG 报告关键议题的选择
- How to plan an ESG reporting framework
- 如何进行 ESG 报告框架策划
- Requirements for sustainability reporting steps and evaluation criteria such as the GRI
- 可持续发展报告编制步骤和GRI 等评估标准的要求
- requirements for ESG reporting
- ESG 报告的质量要求
适用对象 Audience
- Sustainability managers
- 可持续发展管理人员
- CSR managers
- 企业社会责任管理人员
- Supply chain social responsibility managers
- 供应链社会责任管理人员
- ESG report composing personnel
- ESG报告编制人员
- Responsible for ESG report release
- ESG报告发布负责人员
- EHS management, compliance management and risk management personnel
- EHS管理、合规管理和风险管理人员
- Company public relations and publicity personnel
- 公司公关宣传人员
Date: August 10th -11th, 2023
Time: 9:00-12:00 13:30-17:30 same schedule for two days
Language: Chinese
Fees: 2800 RMB per person
Venue: Rm1603, Heye plaza NO.486, Kang Wang Zhong Road, Guangzhou 510140, China
Students who have full attendance and pass the exam can acquire BV course training certificate.
The training notification will be sent to you after registration
黄敏 May Huang
必维中国区可持续发展产品经理 Sustainability PM of BV China
碳排放管理专家 expert on Carbon Emission Management
碳足迹培训讲师carbon footprint course trainer
温室气体主任核查员GHG verifier
Registration 课程报名
Please scan the below QR code to compelete your registration | 请扫描以下二维码报名

Event Location

08.10-08.11 | [Guangzhou Training] ESG Management Practices 企业ESG管理实践培训
Event ended.