金字塔原理--思考、表达、解决问题的逻辑 Pyramid Principle: Logic of Thinking, Expression and Problem-solving
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Members : 4800 RMB*
Non Members: 5100 RMB*
* Price subject to 6,72% V. A. T. (the price is valuable for this 2020-2021’s session and includes: training fees, educational material, coffee breaks and lunches)
EndedEvent ended.
课程介绍 Introduction
Why the audience gives you a “what are you talking about” when you are talking glibly? 为什么我们脑子里有货,但就是不知道怎么清晰的呈现给对方?
Why you fail to present your thoughts in your mind clearly to the audience?
Why the receivers cannot understand our emails?
This is because our thoughts lack structuring, and the audience finds it quite hard to comb the logic behind. Eventually, our target audiences will think that we are out of logic.当一旦我们被套上“没逻辑”的帽子,将严重影响我们的职业生涯,升职、加薪、担任要职…… 统统没有我们的份!这怎么行!
Once you are considered “out of logic”, your career path will be affected and you will lose the opportunities for promotion, salary raise and key positions. This is not happening.
其实,只要掌握金字塔原理,就能轻松解决这个问题。本次课程将用一种轻松的互动、持续 的练习,让你在 2 天时间内掌握金字塔原理和结构思维的核心理念、工具及如何在典型应 用场景中使用。如果在接下来的时间里,能不断反复练习使用这个工具,定能让你在职场上 如虎添翼。
In fact, if you master Pyramid Principle, this is not a problem anymore. This course is to help you master the core theories, tools and methodology in typical applicable scenarios of Pyramid Principle and structuring thinking within two days in an easy interactive way with continuous practise. If you keep on using this tool from now on, you will have a smoother path in your career.
1.在使用金字塔原理之前能有意识的思考前置 3 要素锁定方向。
Intentionally think about the 3 prerequisite key factors of the principle of pyramid to lock directions.
Use the Pyramid Principle to categorize the information rationally, and present them in an easy-to-understand way.
3. 能够使用金字塔原理梳理思路,撰写逻辑清晰的文本,并能重点突出的表达出来。
Use the Pyramid Principle to order your thoughts and write logical and clear text with highlights presented
一、课程导入 Introduction
- 培养两个思考习惯 Develop two habits
- 注意观察和推理:平时注意观察身边发生的现象并进行推理训练Keep observing and ratiocinating: Keep an eye on what’s happening around and practise ratiocination
- 区分事实和观点:平时看网络信息时,刻意练习区分什么是事实,什么是观点Distinguish facts and opinions: When browsing web, practise distinguishing what are facts and what are opinions
二、金字塔原理前置 GAS 三要素 3 prerequisite key factors of the Pyramid Principle
- 视频分析:导入 G 目的、A 对象和 S 场景三要素Analyse videos: Introduce 3 prerequisite key factors of G purpose, A object and S scenarios
- 三要素进一步细化处理(必须以责任心、同理心为基础)Further refining 3 prerequisite key factors (based on responsibility and empathy)
- 定向练习:任选一个主题,考虑前置 3 要素写下你的目标Oriented practise: Choose any topic and write down your goal considering 3 prerequisite key factor
三、金字塔原理 3 个核心思考结构 3 core thinking structures of Pyramid Principle
- 纵向总-分-总 Vertical: General-Particular-Summary
- 应用案例分析:如何简明扼要的进行会议协调汇报Case study: How to briefly do coordination meeting report
- 电梯演讲的核心:一句话说出重点 Core of Elevator Pitch: highlight the key points in one sentence
- 一句话提炼信息的套路:归类——共性——组句 Template of extracting information in one sentence: categorization - generalization - structurization
- 提炼出来的信息再加工:同样的意思不同的表达手法(简单介绍)Reworking on the extracted information: expressing same meaning with different methods (brief introduction)
- 横向信息分类 Horizontal information categorization
- 信息分类的三大原则:目的性、可推进和MECE 3 principles of information categorization: intentional, promotional, MECE
- 信息分类的三种手法:构成要素、程度变化和时间轴3 methods of information categorization: components, variation scale and timeline
- 物品分类练习(考虑目的、对象和场景)Categorization exercise (consider purpose, object and scenario)
- 小组讨论:这封邮件你会怎么改写?Group discussion: How would you write this letter?
- 序言的故事演绎 Deduction of preface story
- 故事的力量和影响力:沟通中的利器 Power and influence of story: unique skill of communication
- 故事的结构:Structure of story: SCQAOR
- 利用 SCQAOR 描述事情的前因后果 Use SCQAOR to describe the cause and effect of the story
四、典型场景应用 Typical application scenarios
问题分析与决策 Problem analysis and decision
- 问题的分类(良构和劣构问题,内源和外源问题)Classification (well-structured and bad-structured problems, endogenous and exogenous problems)
- 分析问题的基本流程:描述问题-重构问题-分析原因-生成方案 Basic process of problem analysis: description - restructuring - analysis - solution
- 用逻辑树进行原因分析(可以看成是旋转角度的金字塔)Rationale analysis with logic tress (regard this as another form of Pyramid Principle)
向上汇报 Reporting
- 思考前置 GAS 三要素 Think about prerequisite GAS key factors
- 勇于担责,一般结论先行、层次分明的论述 Shoulder responsibility and well-structured exposition with pre-conclusion
- 案例:如果是你,你会怎么汇报?Case study: How would you report if it was you?
描述任务 Description of tasks
- 工具:5W2H Tool: 5W2H
- 应用:使用 5W2H 布置一个任务 Application: use 5W2H to set a task
目标拆解 Breaking down the goals
- 核心总分关系 Relation of Core General-Particular
- 利用导图软件Use mapping software
- 练习:请拆解一个目标到具体行动 Exercise: Please break down a goal to actual action
撰写邮件 Write an email
- 标题点名主题 Titles with topic
- 正文结构清晰 Well-structured body

Please contact sh-training(@)ccifc.org to complete your registration
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金字塔原理--思考、表达、解决问题的逻辑 Pyramid Principle: Logic of Thinking, Expression and Problem-solving
Event ended.