Lead with Words is now offering the LIVE, VIRTUAL format of their signature training program

Present to Influence ! 



Presentations aren't just formal speeches. All professionals deliver presentations every day, and the skills to organize their thoughts logically and present them persuasively are critical to the organization's success.

Team meetings, project meetings, one-on-one conversations... These are all types of presentations!

The purpose of this live, virtual training is to help your people present their ideas clearly and persuasively.



Mike and Michelle, the Co-Founders of Lead with Words, facilitate this virtual training together.

They’ll have 2 weeks with your people, which include 8 x 2.5-hour sessions via Zoom. There's a maximum of 12 people to keep it personal and very interactive.




The first week they focus on content: how to structure ideas clearly and logically. The second week they focus on delivery: how to deliver content persuasively and confidently.

After the two weeks are over, your people will go into every presentation knowing exactly what to say and how to say it. And they'll also save time by using their systematic approach.



Participants pick a real presentation topic they have coming up in their daily work. Over the two weeks, they will prepare, create, and deliver this presentation topic.

The step-by-step toolkit and one-on-one coaching calls ensure learning transfers into their daily work. Each participant will deliver 5 filmed presentations and receive individualized feedback.





This program is for everyone!

High-potential employees and business professionals who want to speak more clearly and persuasively, regardless of presentation experience, function, or level in the organization.

They've worked with every level in the organization, ranging from managing directors and executives to mid-level managers to entry-level professionals.

They've also worked with every function you can imagine: marketing, business development, HR, engineering, finance, government relations, procurement, and more!






Mike and Michelle, the Co-Founders of Lead with Words, facilitate this live, virtual training together.

They are highly specialized presentation experts. Due to their vibrant personalities, international experience, and language abilities, they are able to easily connect with participants from China and around the world.

Mike and Michelle are not only the facilitators, but also the designers of the Present to Influence training programs. They have been delivering and updating these programs since 2015.

They are both ATD-certified Master Trainers. Furthermore, Michelle is certified in Instructional Design, and Mike is certified in e-Learning Instructional Design.

In addition to leading corporate trainings, they also speak at large global events. They both facilitated the Global Leadership Summit 2017, where over 1,300 leaders came to Beijing to transform their leadership.





Alexis NIZAN Operation Manager
+86 (10) 6461 0260*135 nizan.alexis@ccifc.org
Morgan LEFEVRE Beijing Branch Director
+86 (10) 6461 0260 lefevre.morgan@ccifc.org
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