[CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV] Medical Goods Assistance

Information regarding procurement of medical protective appliances.

CCI FRANCE CHINE continues to respond to the challenges we all face as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.

During the past days, we have been and are still providing much needed advice to many of our members on how to mitigate the impact of this crisis on their business.

CCI France Chine is also using all means at its disposal in order to support China and our Chinese friends in their work to contain the Coronavirus.

In this respect, we have received requests from several entities to help with procurement of medical goods, by providing contact details of qualified suppliers overseas. As an example, please find attached a message from SinoPharm, a renowned State-Owned Enterprise.

For the details of the procurement, please  click here.


Should you be aware of any qualified supplier located overseas, kindly provide us contact details and relevant information so that we can share these with them.

Thank you for your mobilization in these difficult times.




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