02.13 - 03.25 [Online Training Camp] Power BI Data Analytics and Visualization | Power BI数据分析与呈现
Event language(s)
This training is conducted in Chinese. 本次课程用中文授课。
2680 RMB/person for CCI FRANCE CHINE Members
2980 RMB/person for Non-Members
Online training Camp 线上训练营
课程背景Course background
本训练营主要培训数据分析与数据呈现的Power BI实战技能,培养满足企业工作需要的数据分析与可视化技能要求,使学员具备良好的数据处理、数据建模分析、特别是数据可视化报表呈现能力。
This training camp mainly trains the Power BI practical skills of data analysis and data presentation, trains the data analysis and visualization skills that meet the needs of enterprises, and enables students to have good data processing, data modeling and analysis, especially data visualization report presentation capabilities.
课程大纲 Cours Outline
第一周:Power BI介绍以及基础知识
The first week: Power BI: Introduction and Fundamental Knowledge
The second week: Data Cleansing, Loading, and Transformation
The third week: Data modeling and basic DAX
The fourth week: Advanced DAX and data visualization
The fifth week: Enhanced interactive experience
The sixth week: Practical Experience Sharing
培训目标 Course Objective
通过企业实战案例,掌握Power BI职场工作实用功能;
Master the practical functions of Power BI in the workplace through enterprise practical cases.
学习Power Query数据整理、清洗、组合,整理数据更加得心应手;
Learn how to organize, clean and combine Power Query data, which makes it easier to organize data.
学习Power Pivot数据分析、数据建模的方法,分析数据高效准确;
Learn the methods of Power Pivot data analysis and data modeling, and analyze data efficiently and accurately.
掌握Power BI Desktop数据可视化呈现技术,享受无与伦比的图表视觉盛宴。
Master the visual presentation technology of Power BI desktop data, and enjoy the unparalleled visual feast of charts.
开营 + 自学课程 + 知识分享 + 互动/作业/点评 + 复盘/结营。
Opening + self-study courses + knowledge sharing + interaction / homework / comments + resumption / closing.
Please click here for detailed training agenda 请点击此处查看详细的培训时间信息
Trainer 讲师

• 天津大学计算机技术硕士
• Six Sigma 黑带专家
• Office Master 国际大师认证
• 微软Power BI 数据分析师认证
• 微软MCT讲师认证
• Microsoft MCSE 认证工程师 – Win Server方向
• 首届微软中国Power Platform黑客松大赛全国二等奖
• 微软Power Platform中文社区讲师
• 首届Microsoft Power Automate黑客松大赛技术评委

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